

Media and Sermons


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Date Title Speaker Series Service Files Play
10/06/19 Redeeming The Time Brett Hogland N/A Sunday 9am Redeeming_The_Time.pdf Redeeming_The_Time.mp3
09/29/19 Let go and Let God J.R. Bronger N/A Sunday 11am Letting_Go_and_Letting_God.mp3
09/22/19 When We Are Sinned Against... Brett Hogland N/A Sunday 11am When_We_Are_Sinned_Against.mp3
09/22/19 A Womans Contribution To The Local Church Brett Hogland N/A Sunday 9am A_Womans_Contribution_To_The_Local_Church.mp3
09/15/19 Parable of The Good Samaritan J.R. Bronger N/A Sunday 11am Parable_of_The_Good_Samaritan.mp3
09/15/19 An Astonishing and Horrible Thing Cody Pastorella N/A Sunday 9am An_Astonishing_and_Horrible_Thing.mp3
09/08/19 5 Things to Keep Our Life in Christ Maturing and Flourishing Brett Hogland N/A Sunday 11am 5_Things_to_Keep_Our_Life_in_Christ_Maturing_and_Flourishing.mp3 5_Things_to_Keep_Our_Life_in_Christ_Maturing_and_Flourishing.pdf
09/01/19 Reaping That For Which You Have Not Labored Brett Hogland N/A Sunday 11am Reaping_That_For_Which_You_Have_Not_Labored.pdf Reaping_That_For_Which_You_Have_Not_Labored.mp3
09/01/19 Benefit Of Grief J.R. Bronger N/A Sunday 9am Benefit_of_Grief.pdf Benefit_of_Grief.mp3
08/29/19 Liberalism, It's No Big Deal Joe Price N/A Gospel Meeting Liberalism-Its_No_Big_Deal.mp3 08-Liberalism_Its_No_Big_Deal.pdf
08/28/19 Why Marriages Break (and how to fix them) Joe Price N/A Gospel Meeting Why_Marriages_Fail.mp3 07-Why_Marriages_Break.pdf
08/27/19 You Who Love The Lord, Hate Evil! Joe Price N/A Gospel Meeting You_Who_Love_The_Lord_Hate_Evil.mp3 06-You_Who_Love_the_Lord_Hate_Evil.pdf
08/26/19 The God I Know... Joe Price N/A Gospel Meeting The_God_I_Know.mp3 05-The_God_I_Know.pdf
08/25/19 Entering God's Presence Joe Price N/A Gospel Meeting Entering_Gods_Presence.mp3 04-Entering_Gods_Presence.pdf
08/25/19 How Shall The Old Secure Their Hearts? Joe Price N/A Gospel Meeting How_Shall_The_Old_Secure_Their_Hearts.mp3 03-How_Shall_the_Old_Secure_their_Hearts.pdf
08/25/19 God's Word Shapes Our Character Joe Price N/A Gospel Meeting Gods_Word_Shapes_Our_Character.mp3 02-Gods_Word_Shapes_Our_Character_Col_3.pdf
08/24/19 How To Assess My Spiritual Growth Joe Price N/A Gospel Meeting How_To_Assess_My_Spiritual_Growth.mp3 01-How_To_Assess_My_Spiritual_Growth.pdf
08/18/19 They Think It Strange J.R. Bronger N/A Sunday 11am They_Think_it_Strange.pdf They_Think_It_Strange.mp3
08/18/19 Gideon: God's Strength In Our Weakness Brett Hogland N/A Sunday 9am Gideon.pdf Gideon.mp3
08/11/19 Where Does Your Faith Stand? Brett Hogland N/A Sunday 11am Where_Does_Your_Faith_Stand.mp3 Where_Does_Your_Faith_Stand.pdf

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